Friday, August 12, 2022

So many emotions... Joy, fear, sadness, love and fixing their BOMB shelter

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These last few weeks have been very busy with work, school, activities, events and my fundraiser. My kiddos' orphanage's shelter needs to be repaired before they can return. However, the Ukrainian government will not help with the repairs and so people are fundraising to help cover the costs. My kids have been refugees in their own country for the last 4-5 months, moving from one location to another. They have been able to stay at the locations for a short period of time, but they are still having to move. They so want to return to their orphanage and return to some sense of normalcy. I get it. But this is what needs to be repaired:

Can you believe it? This looks like an old dungeon. But this is their bomb shelter. That is the first time I have said it. Bomb shelter. If you look at all of my posts, I have referred to repairing their "shelter". I can't imagine that I am helping children halfway around the world repair their bomb shelter so that they can return to it. My kids here in the US do have scary things to worry about (someone just posted in our neighborhood app that a creepy guy was following kids in another neighborhood in our area), but not surviving bombs. I was talking to Y yesterday and all of the sudden, he had to go. This is the message he sent me. 

They had an air alarm. He is 12 years old. His sister is 7. His older brothers are 14 and 17. These kids have been through so much. And all we want is for them to be with us. A few days ago I had the pleasure of "meeting" and talking with N and Y's older brother, R. He is considered an aged out orphan. Fortunately, the director has allowed him to stay so that he is not separated from his younger siblings. We had a wonderful conversation. He does such a great job looking out and taking care of N, Y and S. They have told me that they love me. They have told me that they want me to be their mom. I hope and pray that this will happen. 

The fundraisers that are currently happening to help raise funds for my kiddos:

My Pampered Chef fundraiser (ends Aug 12) - Thank you for your support! 

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