Sunday, March 20, 2022

16K, 3.3M, 1.9B in 1 month

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What do all of those numbers mean? These are estimates according to According to this source, 16,000 Ukrainians have been killed in less than one month since Russia invaded Ukraine. 3.3 million Ukrainians have lost their homes and fled to Western Ukraine and surrounding countries in less than one month. $1.9 billion dollars of damage has occurred in less than one month. Many have called this the start of World War III. Why do these numbers matter? Because my kids have been a part of the 3.3 million that have been displaced. You see, orphans on the lowest rung of the social class system. They are outcasts. They don't have a very bright future. Yet, I am fighting and advocating for them. Do I want them here? Absolutely. Just as any mom would. But more than that, I want them safe. And they are safe, for now. What's even more difficult to realize is that one of the strongest reasons that these kids continue to remain in Ukraine and Europe? Human trafficking. Of the 3.3 million people that have been displaced, 1.5 million are children. And Unicef states that these children are prime targets. "According to a recent analysis conducted by UNICEF and the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking (ICAT), 28 per cent of identified victims of trafficking globally are children. In the context of Ukraine, UNICEF child protection experts believe that children would likely account for an even higher proportion of potential trafficking victims given that children and women represent nearly all of the refugees who have fled the country so far," (  This is why it is more important than ever to make sure these kids, and all those who have fled, are safe. 

I have to wonder if we will see these kids again. My kids (Hunter and Hudson) regularly ask if N and Y and their sister will be coming. We pray for their safety every night. Each day that passes is harder. But, there are glimmers of hope. For example, this morning I woke to a message that my kids are safe. I also received these amazing pictures! 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Adults, let alone children, are not meant to experience war

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Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies

I have not written in a few days. It is too hard. It is heart wrenching. Russia actually bombed an area where children were. The words ¨children¨ could be seen from above... How horrible! But, there have been so many amazing efforts to help Ukraine. However, I have to wonder, if I did not host N and Y this past winter break, would I be so involved? In reality, probably not. And this scares me. So many people do not have any direct ties to this. As this war continues, as Ukrainian families continue to be separated, as children are killed, how many of us in the US continue on in our daily lives? 

There are been amazing efforts this week! My organization, Force For Christ, sent a team to Poland. They brought supplies, crafts, activities and hope. Throughout these last few weeks, Force For Christ, and with the help of so many volunteers (including my family and me and so many friends) have sent money to the four orphanages we work with. This money is being used to help keep my kids and so many others alive. We are providing food, water, clothing and helping to shelter these kids. 3 of the orphanages are still in Ukraine while one has evacuated to Romania. So many have wondered why they are still in Ukraine? Or why they have not been evacuated to the US? I have so much respect for the directors of these orphanages. They do love these kids and want to keep them safe. I can only imagine what they are thinking. I could not imagine trying to consider moving 30+ kids to a foreign country and wonder how they will survive. The focus right now is safety. We cannot focus on anything else right now. While the war may (and is more than likely) continue, my focus is solely on keeping my kids safe. Yes, my momma bear instinct is saying that they would be safer HERE with me; however, technically, legally, they are Ukrainian citizens and I must respect that. I must respect the process. 

As I right this, I learn of recent attacks on Lviv... This is where my kids are at. Please continue to hope, pray, and support us as we continue to navigate these difficult times. 

Russia attacks Lviv -

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Blessed to be a blessing to others

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This week I want to focus on how fortunate we all have been. Above are just a few pics of the kids that we are directly helping, including my own kids, N and S. They are safe, warm and have food and water. Unfortunately, so many are not this fortunate this week. We miss these kids with all of our hearts and now, the only thing we can do is pray. Right now the sole focus is making sure these kids are safe. We are not focusing on hosting/adoption as Ukraine is not in the position or has the desire to discuss this. 

So... this week we decided to focus on how we can help. With the help of so many people, we put together over 100 buddy bags (as Hunter calls them) to send to our kids (and so many others) in Ukraine. These bags included a variety of things - pop bracelets, nail polish, coloring books, crayons, playdoh, rubiks cubes, hard candy, gum and so many other things to bring them just a small amount of happiness during such a dark time. 
Additionally, this week I was able to work with our organization, Force For Christ, to quickly create an Amazon Wish List. In less than 48 hours, all of us with the organization were able to get a number of items that are needed. And when I say a lot, we got A LOT! We sent 4,700 gauze pads, 6,000 Band Aids, 144+ tubes of tooth paste, 176 bars of Dove soap, 8,200 Tylenol caplets, and SO MUCH MORE! It has been so amazing! And, with the help of LOT airlines and so many donations, we were able to send 35 pieces of luggage filled with all of the supplies and the buddy bags. they arrived safely on Saturday, March 12. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hope... and despair

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For those that know me, I have a ton of negative traits. I yell (a lot). I am not patient. I'm anxious, all the time. I often take charge when it is not needed. I often try to control what I can't control. But, now, more than ever, I am trying to keep all of these negative traits at bay and focus solely on helping my kiddos in Ukraine. Focusing on that keeps my anxiety in check. I don't feel helpless. But I can't do it alone. These last few weeks, with the help of so many people (people I don't even know), I've raised over $2,000 to go towards relief efforts with my organization Force For Christ (Force For Hope). I created an Amazon Wish List that has been shared across the entire country, and we have SO many supplies that are being taken to Poland this weekend. Tonight and tomorrow, with the financial support of more people, my kids and I will be making care bags for the kids. These actions give me hope. They make me smile. So many people helping. 

Yet, at the same time, there is still so much despair. One of the families in our organization is struggling. Their host daughter is in a very dangerous area in Ukraine. They have not been evacuated. They have lost power. I want to take this time to really look at this situation, be grateful for what I have and can do (and continue to do), and pray for the lives of everyone who is working to help everyone in Ukraine. 

These pictures are coming from people that our organization knows and trusts. But there is one picture that has captured many around the world. So many women and children fled Ukraine to Poland. They left their homes, their friends, and their neighbors. They left their husbands, clothes, toys and lives behind. And when they arrived off the trains into Poland, many women saw hope and love. On the train platform were a number of strollers, empty, waiting to be used for the mothers and children who came with nothing. The smallest acts of kindness will shine through all of the darkness in the world. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Children living in the middle of war

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There continues to be unrest and war in Ukraine. Not much has changed since the last time I wrote, expect that the death toll continues to rise and my kiddos continue in an area that is not stable. I am so grateful for all the people and organizations that continue to provide for these kids. There is so much going on behind the scenes. Our goal right now is to get these kids to safety, and for now, they are. However, Putin and Russian forces are continuing their destruction across the country.

But it is important to see the light and goodness. My kids are safe. There are smiles on their faces. I need to hold on to this.

Fundraiser to help ALL kids exiting Ukraine:

Fundraiser to help me host my kids this summer:

Little Caesars fundraiser (I receive $6 for each kit sold - delivered right to your door):

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Finally safe

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Above are just a few of the pictures that we have received regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The last 48 hours have been horrific. I have heard stories and see photos of places being bombed, children in basements (make shift bomb shelters), babies being born in subways and bomb shelters. I have seen a 40 mile long Russian convoy heading straight towards Kiev. Ukrainians are scared to leave because there is no food, roads and bridges have been destroyed leaving travel impossible, and they do not want to encounter Russians on the way. Eastern Ukraine at this time has been taken over by Russia. Russia is continuing to move West. 

It is important to have an understanding of Putin and why he is doing this. Additionally, I want to remember.. If you want to learn more about it, this article gives a really good historical perspective.

Thankfully, my kiddos, along with other orphans have safely made it to Western Ukraine. While they are out of immediate danger, Russia continues to move West towards them. Many Ukrainians do not want to leave their homeland, including many of the kids. Would it be safer? Possibly. Do they have the hope that it will all be OK? Definitely. Additionally, orphans in Ukraine are generally on the lowest rung of the social class. Therefore, adding the title of refugee is not something that they want. 

So, for now, I will continue praying. I will also continue to promote my fundraiser. The funds will go directly to Force for Christ. They will use these funds to send funds and supplies to the orphans. They are in direct contact with the caregivers in Ukraine. Due to the invasion, there are limited (if any) food supplies, clothing, gas, etc. And so any donation will go directly towards that. I do not encourage you to send money to an organization that you do not have a direct tie with (unless you know someone who does). Right now it is very difficult to wire funds to that area. Organizations such as Force For Christ have contacts there that they have worked with and who trust them. This trust is invaluable. Please know that your donation will go directly to this cause. 

Writing this gives me some peace. My son tonight started crying because he misses N and Y. It has been awhile since we had contact with them. And I have tried to keep what is going on in Ukraine and Russia out of this house, but my kids are smart and they know something is going on. So writing this brings me some peace so that I can be strong when my kids need me, all my kids. 

If you would like to donate to the Force for Christ fundraiser, please see here:

Almost one year of war...

At this time last year, I was making plans to have the boys, N and Y, and their sister, S, come for Summer 2022. We had so many hopes. There...