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This week has been a bit difficult. My sweet N turned 14 this week. He has been in the system since 2018 at least. He still remembers life before the orphanage. Not only has this kid had to deal with going into the system, he has been there for a good part of his life, with his siblings, travelled and visited different families and NOW, in the middle of a war. He has seen and lived through more than so many of us in his short life. I hope and pray that you had a good birthday (again, how is that really possible?). But I pray and hope that you know that we are thinking and praying for you daily.
I have not received any updates regarding anything for hosting. The organization has started to focus on hosting children from Malawi. We are still getting requests for help from many of the orphanages that we work with in Ukraine and we are doing everything we can. As far as I can tell, the Ukrainian government has extended Martial Law through the end of August. And because of this, hosting is on hold at least through then.
It is so easy to forget that this war is going on. It is halfway around the world. Is it affecting us? Yes, financially. However, are we losing lives? Are we starving? Are we having to run to the basement when we hear the sirens? Please do not forget. We are witnessing history repeating itself.
Stalin did this back in the 30's. Putin is doing it again -
Hitler committed Genocide. Current studies indicate that the rhetoric being used and the actions that have occurred are following this same path in Ukraine -
Please. Help.
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