Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's day - so different now with N and Y not here

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There has been so much going on. I am leaving for Poland in less than one week. I will be representing Force For Hope and taking humanitarian aid over to Poland. We will be helping refugees at a camp there. We will be organizing and loading supplies (so they can be taken to Ukraine), making meals, entertaining kids, and pretty much whatever they need. I am so blessed and fortunate to be able to help. Many are nervous that I am going; however, I am not. Yes, we are close to Ukraine, which is in conflict with Russia. But, God will be watching over us. This is also the 4th trip to Poland for our organization. Please make sure to follow this blog for updates!

Today is Mother's Day. It was a good day. I spent the day with my boys and my mom at our campground in Sheridan, IL. We enjoyed the outdoors, relaxed, saw friends and got excited for some upcoming NICE weather. However, we were missing some. N, Y, their sister and brother were not with us. But we were thinking of them. They are still in Ukraine. I get pictures from time to time. They seem to be doing ok. I can't say great because they are in a war-torn country. To my knowledge they are living in a school. They still go to basements when they hear the sirens. That is no way to live for anyone, let alone children. I want to do everything in my power to help them. There is just so much red tape. It really is an impossible situation. 

Y also turned 11 this past week. We recorded/sang Happy birthday to him. I got some pictures of him. It looks like he received a soccer ball and goalie gloves. He looks happy... but, again, it makes me think of so much. He has so little. He received so little.
So... that's where we are at: regularly thinking and praying for N, Y and their siblings, missing them, loving them from afar. It's hard to believe that they were brought here less than 6 months ago and the impact they had on us, in such a short amount of time. They have been such a blessing. 

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