Wednesday, April 20, 2022

It's been quiet lately...

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I have not posted in awhile. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of change going on. My kiddos are still in Lviv (which was just recently bombed two days ago and prior to the bombing, there was a sense of safety). Hosting is still hopeful for part of the summer. But we are in a state of limbo. And, as much as the Ukrainian ministry (those responsible for the orphans) want to be hopeful, some decisions will need to be made. My kiddos and countless others have missed almost half of the school year this year. They can't start out the next school year in limbo. But what does this mean? I really don't know. Russia seems to be hell bent on taking control over at least the Eastern parts of Ukraine while making sure that all Ukrainians are on age, no matter the location. 

In the meantime, I have received some updates from my kiddos' director of the orphanage. I am happy that they are safe. I am happy to know that they are receiving the essentials to survive. But as I write that, a pain shoots through me. How horrible is that? Enough to survive? These are kids. My son Hudson just asked if he could have chocolate for breakfast and my kiddos in Ukraine just need to worry about getting enough food to get by, to survive. It is so hard to love someone so much and to do so little to help. 

But now... here is some news! As I said, I have been quiet lately. But this does not mean that there is not a lot going on behind the scenes. While we are still in the early stages, there is a plan in the works where I will lead a group to take Humanitarian Aid to Poland which will then be transported to Ukraine. I will not be taking the aid into Ukraine, only to Poland. While in Poland, I will be spending time with some of the Ukrainian orphans that have made their way to Poland. I am very excited to be a part of this amazing journey. Be on the look out for more updates! And, please, keep all of us in your prayers as we navigate the next few weeks. 💗

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