Monday, February 28, 2022

Hope and prayer is about all we have...

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There are many things to be grateful for at this time. A number of kids have made it out safely by way of busses to Italy. However, there are a number of children that still have not made it out. It is just too dangerous. There is so much information out there and it is difficult to distinguish what is true and what is false. Below are some of the kiddos that have safely made their way to Italy. There have been so many people helping contribute to get them out! Although this is not the organization that I work with, what is important is that these kids are safe.

My directors and organization have requested that all of us wait... patiently. I am not good at that. I have anxiety and this is making it go through the rough. Trying to control what I can and doing what I can to take my mind off things. Our organization asked us to wait. Why? Because when there are too many players in the field, things get harder than they need to be. This is completely understandable, especially when everything is being done through emails/texts/etc and across countries. We have not received an update since yesterday morning - only 24 hours. But it seems like so much has happened in 24 hours. One of the facilitators that has helped hundreds of kids and families over the last 10+ years has lost his life to protect Ukraine. So much loss, sadness and pain over the last 24 hours. 

Please consider helping - through prayer, financially (countless fundraisers listed below), emotionally, or sharing to keep this front and center. Many people have donated financially solely because they know me or I am a friend of a friend. People trust each other. So help me help these kids. 

Fundraiser to help ALL kids exiting Ukraine:

Fundraiser to help me host my kids this summer:

Little Caesars fundraiser (I receive $6 for each kit sold - delivered right to your door):

Saturday, February 26, 2022


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Doing a side by side of my kids. The first one was from just a few days ago. The second one is from when they were here with me.  Their faces say it all...

I haven't posted in awhile - actually since the day after the boys N and Y have left. There were mixed emotions that day. N and Y were very excited to see their friends. We were sad to see them go. But I made sure to say "See you soon". I learned from my first study abroad to Spain that they don't say "Good bye" in the Spanish culture because that indicates that you will not see each other again. I refused to believe that I will not see these boys again. So.. it was "see you soon". 

It's hard to believe that only five weeks have passed since they left. It feels like years. So much has changed. Russia has invaded Ukraine. Well, Putin, has invaded Ukraine. There is so much news out there. It is hard to know what to believe. Many are saying that Russian citizens are not supportive of this action. No matter what, Ukrainian citizens are fleeing their homes. Families are being torn apart. These actions are being compared to those that began World War II in 1939. In the short five weeks since they left, I started fundraising left and right. I have a FB fundraiser going and I have almost raised 1/2 of what I need to host N, Y and their sister, S. But that all came to an abrupt end just a few days ago. On February 24, 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. And on February 25, 2022 we were working around the clock to get these kids and many others to safety.

I, along with other families who have hosted some of these orphans, started immediately offering help. There were fundraisers started immediately. Looking at the one that I created and another family, we have raised over $5,000 in 24 hours. The directors of different organizations have worked for the last 24 hours working to get as many children to Poland. Once in Poland, it seems that there are contacts and churches and organizations ready to help shelter our kids until we can get them to the US. But, we hit a wall this morning. Unfortunately, bus drives do not feel safe driving to Poland. Russian tanks have driven right over cars. 

Story and video here

I do not want to say that all hope is lost. There are still so many who are tirelessly working to get our kids out of harms way. 

Please consider helping - through prayer, financially (countless fundraisers listed below), emotionally, or sharing to keep this front and center. Many people have donated financially solely because they know me or I am a friend of a friend. People trust each other. So help me help these kids. 

Fundraiser to help ALL kids exiting Ukraine:

Fundraiser to help me host my kids this summer:

Little Caesars fundraiser (I receive $6 for each kit sold - delivered right to your door):

Almost one year of war...

At this time last year, I was making plans to have the boys, N and Y, and their sister, S, come for Summer 2022. We had so many hopes. There...